An intelligent lone wolf’s endorsement on TEAMWORK via dialectical thinking 通過辯證思維,一個聰明的獨行俠 對團隊合作的支持 For a part-time lecturer with a self-image of a lone wolf, it is quite a tranquil and isolated life to me recently. The only minor issue: I have been thinking hard of how to reduce usage of toilet paper in a convenient way. Thus, when the
How to lead the team, if the objective is “Mission Impossible”? 如何帶領團隊實現「不可能的任務」? If we ask ten different managers what leadership is about, we might find ten different answers. However, we might also find a similar one, and that is “to achieve certain objectives”. This is, in fact, very logical. If achieving any objectives are not needed, then there
【HKDSE English】Advanced Linkers: avoiding and / but / because One of the main weaknesses for any language learner has to do with repetition. At times, repetition can be used for emphasis or style. However in most cases, it has nothing to do with those benefits. Instead, it has everything to do with a limited ability to function with a wide range
【Business English】Negotiation: The One Skill Everyone Needs But Lacks In life, there will be innumerable situations where getting the best deal is your goal. Most just wing it and try their best and many times, that just leads to falling flat on their faces. Instead, others seem to be able to win many more times than they lose. Is it because they
At the Academic Award Ceremony of the University of Sunderland, Hong Kong, we had a chance to speak with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), Professor. John MacIntyre, about Artificial Intelligence and the future it beholds. 在英國新特蘭大學於香港舉行的學位頒授典禮當日,我們有幸跟(國際)副校長John MacIntyre教授對話,討論人工智能及其未來發展。
The herd can lead you right over the cliff… 盲目跟風隨時會讓你墮崖… Behavioural finance examines how psychology influences financial decisions. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that our psychology strongly influences these choices. 行為金融學主要研究投資者如何被心理影響投資決定。數據顯示,人的心理的確對於我們在投資市場上所做的決定有舉足輕重的影響。 Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt you stuck out like a sore thumb? You may have experienced a great desire to conform in order to fit in with
Thinking Critically and Logically 批判及邏輯性思考 Thinking critically and logically as a student will generate benefits in many areas of life. In general, students who develop logic and critical thinking skills are more able to achieve better results, become less dependent on lectures, and become more evaluative and creative individuals. Thus, it is essential to have a better understanding of basic
Skills That Live Forever 畢生受用的技能 Four years after my graduation, I still have a vivid picture of how my lecturers impressed me throughout my Sunderland HK school life. There were many core values and professional skills which I have learnt from my bachelor’s degree, and they have been absolutely useful for my current career
Opening of the School of Medicine 新特蘭大學醫學院正式開幕 The University of Sunderland’s home-city campus welcomed its first medical students as the doors opened on its new School of Medicine this autumn. The School saw 51 students arrive in September as they started their journey to become a qualified doctor. 今年秋季,英國新特蘭大學主校區的醫學院正式開幕。一共有51名學生於9月份抵達新校園,踏上成為執業醫生的璀璨旅途。 With state-of-the-art facilities already in place and dedicated partnerships with the UK’s NHS trusts, the
We are pleased to announce that the University of Sunderland has been awarded a four-star rating in the 2019 QS Stars rating system. This rating system considers over 50 different categories including employability, teaching, facilities and research, then ranks participating institutions from one to five stars accordingly, helping prospective students to decide where to study.
The University of Sunderland delivers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.