Increase Visibility & Advance 學懂溝通,讓你的努力被看見!
Increase Visibility & Advance
A few months ago, I had a reunion dinner with my university classmates. It was an enjoyable night with engaging conversation. It had been a decade since I last met some of them; it was interesting to hear personal stories about love, family, and work. Although we had similar academic backgrounds, our career paths evolved diversely over time. Several classmates were particularly outspoken, they shared their frustrations about their stagnant careers and lack of wealth accumulation. I felt empathetic about their situation. 數月前,我參加了大學舊同學晚餐聚會。這個愉快的晚上滿載著引人入勝的話題。自上次跟某幾位同學碰面後已經過了十年;聽到同學們分享有關愛情、家庭和事業的故事覺得很有意思。雖然我們擁有相類似的學術背景,但各人的事業發展隨著時間而變化。當中某幾位同學說話特別直率,他們分享了自己為職業生涯的停滯不前和缺乏財富管理而感到沮喪。我為他們的處境深表同情。
After the memorable dinner, I reflected and felt grateful about how my career has grown. I realised those classmates have probably overlooked the significance of interpersonal communication and visibility at their workplace, and thus, experienced a lack of career advancement. I also uncovered the following four ‘P’s that shaped my guiding principles in raising visibility at work via communication.在珍貴的晚餐聚會後,我反思並感激一路上的事業發展。我意識到那些同學或許忽略了人際交往和在工作上知名度的重要性,因而欠缺晉升機會。我還發現以下四個「P 」,它們塑造了我以溝通來提高職場上知名度的指導原則。
高成效(Productive)— 我曾遇上很多直言不諱的同事,他們經常在會議上分享他們的想法。然而,正如俗語所言「少即是多」(Less is more),質比量更重要。我相信在工作中透過溝通,能促進高成效協作,以解決特定問題,亦能提高職場上的知名度。在現今社會上,我們受到即時訊息和電子郵件等資訊渠道轟炸;我們更需要確保溝通是「以解決問題為中心」,這不僅僅關注問題的本質,而是探索對正下藥、解決問題的方法。
Participative – Years ago, I came across Alfred Adler’s psychology theory that we all had three ‘Life tasks’ – work, friendship, and love, and their success depends on cooperation; furthermore, Adler believed that all problems in life were interpersonal relationship problems. As I was
brought up in a school system that focused on acquiring strong technical knowledge and competing for high academic ranking, I initially did not grab the significance of Adler’s theory. After working in half a dozen organisations, I gradually realised the significance of being participative when we communicated with others. I believed cooperative communication generally attained ‘win-win’ instead of ‘win-lose’ situation, which nurtured visibility and rapport at work.
參與性(Participative)— 多年前,我無意中發現阿爾弗雷德阿德勒(Alfred Adler)的心理學理論,我們都有三項「人生的任務」– 工作、友誼和愛情,而任務的成功取決於合作;此外,阿德勒認為人生中所有問題都是
人際關係問題。我在一個專注於獲得專業知識並爭奪高學術排名的學校體制中長大, 最初並未有領悟到阿德勒理論的意義。相繼於六個機構工作之後,我逐漸意識到與他人交流時,參與性的重要。我相信合作交流,一般會獲得「雙贏」,而非「輸贏」的局面,從而培養出職場上的知名度和融洽關係。
Proactive – Although I am not a fan of Apple’s products, I appreciate Steve Jobs’ motto of ‘No respect for the status quo’. Attaining high visibility at work should not merely be about waiting for management to assign you with important assignments. I have proactively asked for opportunities that challenged the status quo, which led to career advancements. Such proactive communications do require good preparation to be effectively (e.g. identifying the goals, gaps, and constraints of the company’s different stakeholders).
主動性(Proactive)— 雖然我不是Apple 產品的粉絲,但我很欣賞史蒂夫喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的座右銘「不安於現狀」。在職場上要獲得高知名度,絕不是等待管理層為你分配重要的工作。我要主動要求挑戰現狀的機會,才可獲得發展事業的機會。這種主動性的溝通確實需要做好準備才能奏效(例如:清楚了解公司不同利益相關者的目標、差距及約束)。
Persistent – Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favourite authors; he popularised the theory that geniuses were nurtured over ‘10,000 hours’ of
deliberate practice. I believed the art of interpersonal communication required persistent practices and lifetime learning. It could enable much more than visibility and advancement at work, but also help attain success in all three ‘Life tasks’.
堅持不懈(Persistent)— 馬爾科姆格拉德威爾(Malcolm Galdwell)是我最喜歡的作家之一;他提倡的理論是:天才在超過10萬小時的刻意練習中得到了培養。我相信人際交往的藝術需要持之以恆地實踐和終身學習。它不僅可以提高工作中的知名度和發展,亦有助於三項「人生的任務」中取得成功。
I look forward to having my next reunion dinner; perhaps I will share the four ‘P’s with my friends if their careers remain stagnant. 我期待著下一次再與大學同學聚會;假如他們的事業依然停滯不前,也許我會與朋友分享這四個「P 」。
Author – Ms. Jessica Chung
Jessica has achieved a proven record in both academic and commercial sectors. She is currently a university lecturer, and a marketing consultant at a global digital agency. She holds a Master of Business from the University of Newcastle, completed courses at Paris Graduate School of Management, and achieved training qualifications including: Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from Australian Government’s Department of Training, and Professional Development Programme from Education Bureau of Hong Kong Government. (Learn more about Jessica at LinkedIn:
作者 – 鍾如意女士
Jessica在學術和商業領域都取得了成績。她目前是一名大學講師和一家環球數據代理公司的營銷顧問。她持有紐卡素大學的商學碩士學位,完成巴黎高等管理學院課程,並取得培訓資格,包括:澳洲政府教育及培訓部培訓和評估四級證書,香港教育局專業發展課程。( 透過LinkedIn 了解更多有關Jessica: