London Graduation 2019 倫敦分校畢業禮盛況 2019

London Graduation 2019

倫敦分校畢業禮盛況 2019

Univerisity of Sunderland Graduation 2019Hundreds of students and guests from the University of Sunderland in London celebrated their graduations in style in October. The invited guests gathered at
Tower Hotel in London to witness friends and family celebrating one of the biggest days of their lives. 今年10月,數百名學生與賓客盛裝出席新特蘭大學倫敦分校的畢業禮。所有來賓齊集倫敦倫敦塔酒店内,跟家人親友們慶祝人生中難忘的一天。

The University’s Vice Chancellor, Sir David Bell, was on hand to congratulate those receiving the honours. He said: ‘Students at the University of Sunderland in London are lively and enthusiastic so graduation is a wonderful celebration of their achievements.’
‘It was a delight to welcome them, along with families and friends, for what was a memorable occasion.’ 新特蘭大學校長David Bell爵士致辭,恭喜一眾畢業生:「新特蘭大學倫敦分校的學生們踴躍參與校園生活,對學習有熱誠,非常欣慰能夠在這裏跟他們分享成就。在此熱烈歡迎各位畢業生及其家人親友們蒞臨。」

University of Sunderland London Graduate
Ajoke Udomesi, the Vote of Thanks student

While the University’s Chair of Governors, John Mowbray, also sent a message to the graduating students. He said: ‘The London Campus has had a real buzz about it when I’ve visited and their graduations are always very special vibrant occasions.’ 新特蘭大學董事會主席John Mowbray亦有發言,祝賀一眾畢業生:「今年的倫敦分校校園充滿活力,畢業禮更是特別熱鬧。」

The Academic Awards saw 101 students from a range of different programmes graduating from the London Campus. 是次畢業禮總共有101名、於倫敦分校就讀不同範疇課程的學生獲頒大學學位。

Ajoke Udomesi, the Vote of Thanks student for the graduation ceremony, said: “Studying at UOSIL made me believe that the sky is not the limit but the beginning, I never doubt my abilities but believe in myself.” 今屆畢業生代表Ajoke Udomesi致謝辭:「就讀新特蘭大學倫敦分校期間,我充分領略到學習是無止境,並且可開拓無限可能性。不要質疑自己,要相信自己的能力。」

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