Proud to be a truly global University | University of Sunderland The University of Sunderland has been named as one of the top universities in Europe, according to the first ever edition of the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2024. Global higher education analyst QS Quacquarelli Symonds h...
On the rise – University of Sunderland moves up in prestigious University Guide Staff and students are celebrating after the University of Sunderland moved up league table rankings – and retained its place as one of the UK’s Top 50 Universities. The Guardian University Guide 2024 place...
How to choose the right MBA programme for you? Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) can have a transformative effect on your life, career, and success. However, with a plethora of MBA programmes available, finding the one that aligns with your goals and aspirations can be dauntin...
中國香港欖球總會與英國新特蘭大學合作推出創新課程 爲培養新一代的體育和康樂行業專業人士,中國香港欖球總會與英國新特蘭大學香港分校及飛越啟德(啟德體育園社區項目),開辦全新的《英國運動學國家高級文憑(第五級)》課程,為有志投身運動和康樂行業的人士提供專門培訓。 中國香港欖球總會除主辦世界享負盛名的...
HONG KONG CHINA RUGBY LAUNCHES TRAILBLAZING PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND With the goal of developing the next generation of sports and recreation industry professionals, Hong Kong China Rugby has partnered with the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong, and in collaboration wi...
學生分享|香港X英國:一個學位 跨國學習體驗 香港01線上教育及職業博覽講座 講者 : 新特蘭大學香港分校副總監 鄧柏軒先生新特蘭大學香港分校國際旅遊及款待管理(榮譽)學士畢業生 葉穎姸小姐 留港升學與海外留學並非二選一。在港設立分校的英國學府—新特蘭大學(University of Sunderland in Hong Kong)提供3年制...
新特蘭大學香港分校│灣仔新校舍開幕 啟「一校多區」跨國學習體驗 英國新特蘭大學於2017年在香港開設分校,適逢今年是香港分校6週年紀念,特別由中環舊址搬遷至灣仔新校舍。新特蘭大學校長Sir David Bell KCB DL 和國際總監 Ian Moody先生專程從英國來港主持開幕典禮和慶祝校慶,其中校長樂見新校舍選址交通方便,更透...
How A BTEC Diploma Can Help You Be A Better Business Manager Keeping up with the competition and staying on top of the ever-evolving business landscape requires more than just business know-how. To excel in your prospective role as a business manager, continuous education and professional grow...
新特蘭大學香港分校|一校多區跨國學習 體驗英國生活文化 大學不僅是追求學識的地方,同時是發掘人生方向的地方,但究竟要在港升學或是到外國留學,卻是不少學生的煩惱。在港設立分校的英國學府-新特蘭大學(University of Sunderland in Hong Kong)提供3年制(榮譽)學士學位,讓學生在港修讀第一年課程後,可選擇...
英國新特蘭大學香港分校「一校多區」跨國學習體驗 不少學生都嚮往海外留學的生活,但高昂的留學費用令不少人卻步。其實,留港升學與海外留學並非二選一。新特蘭大學香港分校(University of Sunderland in Hong Kong)提供在港修讀英國大學課程,更設有「一校多區」跨國學習體驗,學生可以選擇在港完成三年課程,也可...
The University of Sunderland delivers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.