In the DSE exam, especially in the speaking and writing portions of the exam, it is commonplace for the test candidate to be in a position to introduce their own opinion. As a result, it is essential to have various and diverse ways of introducing ideas.
In the world of business, we would all like to imagine that things go according to plan not only regularly, but all the time. In reality though, we all know this is simply not possible and as a result, we have to get used to dealing with results that are less than optimal.
Most people have heard about the 80/20 Rule. Though, how many of them truly understand what it is and, how to apply it in their life effectively?
大多數人都聽說過80/20定律。 但是,有多少人真正了解它是什麼,以及如何有效地將其應用到生活中?
Do People Prefer Autonomy? Do People Prefer Autonomy? Dating back to 1985, the theory of self-determination, created by Deci and Ryan, posited autonomy as one of the three innate needs of human beings, as we always want to master our own work agenda and direction. It is supposed workers nowadays, with much more sophisticated hardware
Turn Change Into Chance in Work and Life A local Cantonese song in Hong Kong used to sing “Don’t you know the world is ever-changing? Only when you identify the pattern of change will you be able to realize change lead to eternity!” Change comes uninvited in life. It happens inadvertently in different stages of
香港有一首耳熟能詳的廣東歌這樣唱︰「知否世事常變,變幻原是永恆。」人生充滿變化,不論年齡和性別,變化總會在人生不同階段發生。其中一個例子是2019冠狀病毒病顛覆了全球的商業、生活﹑學習及工作方式。因此,Zoom﹑Canvas﹑Microsoft Teams﹑Eventbrite 等網上交流應用程式逐漸成為維持工作與生活不可或缺的一部份。
An intelligent lone wolf’s endorsement on TEAMWORK via dialectical thinking 通過辯證思維,一個聰明的獨行俠 對團隊合作的支持 For a part-time lecturer with a self-image of a lone wolf, it is quite a tranquil and isolated life to me recently. The only minor issue: I have been thinking hard of how to reduce usage of toilet paper in a convenient way. Thus, when the
How to lead the team, if the objective is “Mission Impossible”? 如何帶領團隊實現「不可能的任務」? If we ask ten different managers what leadership is about, we might find ten different answers. However, we might also find a similar one, and that is “to achieve certain objectives”. This is, in fact, very logical. If achieving any objectives are not needed, then there
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